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Players: 53

Vending Items Of [Merch]

Cheap Shop

prontera, 161, 187

ID Name Refine Slots Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Random options Price Amount
6228 +9 Weapon Refine Ticket None None None None None 9 999 999 z 11
7619 Enriched Elunium None None None None None 249 999 z 61
7620 Enriched Oridecon None None None None None 249 999 z 91
1000263 Fragment of Good Will None None None None None 39 999 z 342
25729 Shadowdecon None None None None None 59 999 z 660
25731 Zelunium None None None None None 59 999 z 912
4608 White Knight Card None None None None None 4 999 999 z 8
4609 Khalitzburg Knight Card None None None None None 4 999 999 z 2
300278 Void Mimic Card None None None None None 4 999 999 z 6
300261 Galensis Card None None None None None 4 999 999 z 2

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