Reset Password

If you lost your password, you can re-set it by entering the e-mail address you used to register your account.

An e-mail will then be sent to the specified address with a link allowing you to reset your password, therefore a valid e-mail address is required.

This is the account name you registered.

This is the e-mail address you used during the registration of the above account.

Server Information Everything you need to know

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Server Rates

Base Exp: 30x Job Exp: 30x Drop Rate: 10x

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Unique Quest

We offer unique quests while staying close to the original storyline!

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Custom Battleground

In the future, we'll introduce Custom Battlegrounds tailored to fit GemstoneRO's unique style and gameplay.

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Renewal Server

A renewal Ragnarok private server offers a revamped gaming experience, maintaining the original essence.

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Server Events

We're developing server events while establishing ourselves as a fresh server.


First and Second Edition WOE

First Edition WOE: Original guild vs guild castle siege; Second Edition WOE: Updated with improved mechanics and castle layouts for enhanced PvP gameplay.